Monday, July 2, 2007

What a strange week

Hello! This is going to be a strange week. Work 2 days, take a day off, work 2 more days, then take 2 days off! Weird. I decided not to take any extra time this week since my husband is still recovering from his surgery and is not very mobile any way. We will have a very mellow 4th. We have friends coming over on Friday night. They are bringing pizza for dinner and she is making a cake (it's my birthday). I'll be saving points all week for that! I may have to skip weigh-in on Saturday. We'll see how bad I am. Technically, I don't have to weigh in every week since I'm LT, but I still do just to keep myself in check.

Well, I lost another pound this week at WI! I was so happy since I wasn't sure the scale would budge. I'd like to lose another 1-2lbs and then maintain. That will be the hardest part for me. I never seem to find that balance of just maintaining. I seem to do better when I have a challenge, like losing, to achieve.

Hope you all have a good week! Happy 4th!


Friday, June 29, 2007


So glad it's Friday. This has been a stressful week with work and the kids. I am looking forward to the weekend. Although dreading WI tomorrow a little. As I mentioned yesterday, I was so bummed because I thought I was going to lose again this week and now it seems I'm stuck at 124.5 which likely means I will either stay the same or gain slightly. I will be really upset if I gain since I haven't gained yet with a WI. I know that's unrealistic of me to think that way, but I get really competitive with myself. Can't help it!

I need to focus on staying on plan today and drink lots and lots of water! Wish me luck!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Up a pound!

So yesterday morning, I woke up and weighed myself. I was so excited because the scale said 123.5. I haven't been 123 since before my first pregnancy! So, I was pretty motivated yesterday to stay on plan and keep going down so that weigh in on Saturday would be another loss. Then, after going for a run last night with the pooch, I was starving! I came home and ate a bunch of crackers with a diet soda. I must have been craving the carbs. Anyway, when I got up this morning, I weighed 124.5. I'm bummed! I know it's not a big deal, but I really liked seeing that '3'! Oh well, I still have two days until weigh in to get back down.

Yesterday I also met with the director at the YMCA where our kids go to daycare. We talked mostly about our plans to move my daughter up to the next level. She is right on the border age-wise and so we needed to decide whether to move her up or keep her where she is. The teacher feels very strongly that she is ready to move up. However, my kids are only 11-1/2 months apart, so this would put them both at the same level. I was worried about having them at the same level (different rooms though). Well I was really glad I talked to her, because she totally put my mind at ease about moving her up. She helped me to look at it from each individual childs' needs and not just my concern about keeping them separate and individual from each other.

Since my husband could not come the meeting (see previous post - he's recovering from surgery), I was worried that my husband would disagree since he wasn't able to hear the director's thoughts and input for himself (only my interpretation). But when I explained her thinking to him, he completely agreed. That was a big relief!

We're still working with my son to get him back on track. He's had a really tough week with just listening and behaving at school. I decided to just have a really relaxed week where we just play at home after daycare and get to bed at the scheduled time. He seems to be getting better gradually. I'm hoping this is just a stage for him. It's so hard to know exactly what you need to do to help your kids.

That's enough for today! Have a good day!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

OK, I'm stealing this, too. Thanks Jodi!

Would you ever...
run through your neighbor's sprinklers naked? Only at night!
eat an ice cream sandwich for dinner? Are you kidding? I'd eat 6 of them!
drive without a seat belt? never
take the "leen" off someone's name and add a "y"...even though you have NEVER seen the person refer to herself in that way? Depends on my mood
let a giraffe kiss you on the mouth? Not likely
share your lover with someone? No
consider free plastic surgery? Absolutely! I loved being a 'C' when pregnant!
date someone 20 years younger than yourself? Not at this point - I'm married and 36!
think that blog owners are crazy to publicly ask LURKERS to engage in conversation? No, sometimes lurkers need to be invited in
ask someone famous for an autograph? No, who needs a piece of paper with a name on it?
swim with sharks? Oh yeah!
tell someone that they are ugly to their face? Absolutely not!
call someone out for farting in an elevator? Depends on who farted and I'd laugh
go on someone's blog and leave a comment trashing the person's best friend? Never
comfort a crying stranger? Yes
be able to ride "It's a Small World" at Disneyland for 48 hours without stopping? Not without some serious alcohol
yell "penis" in a crowded shopping mall? Probably not
purposely tell someone the wrong time when asked? Maybe
consider getting "I heart Foo-y" tattooed on your body? No, I can't imagine having anything printed on my body for perpetuity
think a ;o) (winkie cunt) would cancel out the stupid things you've said? No, too much chance for misinterpretation!

Day Two...

I love this blogging thing! Thanks everyone for your comments. I've had such a great time reading all your stories and knowing that I'm not in this alone.

So, now for a little more about me. Recently (3 weeks ago), my husband had to have his hip replaced. He has a condition called avascular necrosis, which basically means the end of his femur was dying. He's only 36 years old and there wasn't any known cause for this, it just happened.

Anyway, needless to say, we've had a little stress in our lives. He was in the hospital for 3 days and since then, he's been home and mostly just lying in bed. The pain was really tough for the first week or so. But it seems to be getting better, little by little. I have been trying to support him and make him as comfortable as possible. For the first couple of weeks, he had to eat in bed and basically he only got up to use the bathroom (which was tough since he was very lightheaded and dizzy since he lost a lot of blood during the surgery).

I also have to help him take showers since he must sit on a special chair and he can't put any weight on his leg yet. None of this is really too difficult in itself. The part that is mostly stressful is that we have 2 toddlers - almost 3 and almost 4. They are in a phase where they demand almost constant attention. I think they are having a tough time with daddy being in bed and not as involved as he usually is. My son is taking it especially hard. He is a challenging kid to begin with (very smart and has a temper). But lately, I've gotten feedback from his teacher at daycare, as well as his gymnastics teacher that he is having a really hard time listening and is constantly pushing to be first at EVERYTHING. This is not an unusual behavior for him, but it's just been kicked up a notch since daddy's surgery and recovery.

I'm just getting worn out trying to do everything on my own. Our families have been very helpful (especially my parents), but there is only so much someone else can do to help. My husband doesn't really get why I'm so tired because he doesn't think he requires that much extra work on my part. What he doesn't get is that with him laid up in bed, the kids fall 100% in my lap, plus, they are way more work right now because their little world is upended. Plus, I am trying to keep the house in order (yeah, right) and still work full time. On top of all that, I'm still trying to eat right and exercise (usually running at 9pm after the kids go to bed).

Maybe I'm just being a whiner. I know a lot of people have a lot more on their plates than me. I just miss my sleep! ;~)

Enough for now!


Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Wow, my own blog!

So this is what it's like to blog! I've been reading others blogs for quite some time now. While I really enjoy reading them, I never thought I would have my own blog. But after seeing Roni's Weight Watchen community go down, and all the work others have done to get their blogs up and running again, I figured, I can do it, too!

Plus, I think this will help keep me honest and keep me on track in my weight loss journey. I just want to say hello and thank you to all the weight watchen bloggers! You guys have really inspired me!